Theologian, Norman Geisler, dies at the age of 86. Geisler’s Facebook page reports:
Dear friends and family of Norm Geisler,
It is with great sadness that we share this news that Norm Geisler passed away peacefully this morning. He has left behind an amazing legacy that will continue to have a ripple effect for many years to come.
The funeral service will be on July 6th, Saturday at 3pm in Charlotte.
We will be sending you further details today as to where the funeral will be and it will be open to the public.
Keep all of us in your prayers.
The Geislers and extended family
Geisler was a professor at Southern Evangelical Seminary and is famous for authoring several books, including Chosen But Free, a diatribe against Calvinism, which was famously rebutted by James White in The Potter’s Freedom.