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Female Pastors Are a Threat To The Church

by | May 9, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.

2 Timothy 2:12

The Bible does not allow women to function in the role of eldership. Women are not permitted to be pastors or hold a role of authority over men in the Church. The bible is crystal clear on this issue.

There are some women who downright disobey this rule and there are some who presumptuously assume the role that has been forbidden to them. Any pastor who makes excuses for this transgression, ordaining women to the office of pastor, are themselves arrogant and unqualified.

This issue is not a secondary issue that can be put in the bucket of things about which Christians disagree. It is an assault on the gospel itself and an attempt to sneak in destructive heresies.

Throughout the whole book of 1 Timothy, Paul grounds every imperative on the purity of the gospel. In chapter 1, he commands Timothy to rebuke heretics because they misuse the law and thereby distort the gospel. In chapter 2, he tells men to pray for all men because the gospel is for all men. Likewise, he commands women to behave modestly — reminding them of the promise made to Eve, that she would be saved in child-bearing (i.e. the coming of Christ).

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In Chapter 3, Paul gives qualifications of elders and deacons. Once again, Paul roots his instruction in the mission of the Church which is the proclamation of the gospel:

I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth.

1 Timothy 3:14-15

The Church is organized for the purpose of proclaiming and defending the truth of the gospel. Paul calls the House of God the stylos and hedraiōma of the Church. These two words point to the fact that the Church is the support of the truth in the world. The people of God are the guardians of the gospel, protecting its truth from error. That is why God has organized his church to be led by male elders.

Distorting the office of elder is an attack on the Church and an affront to the gospel itself. It is like opening the gates of a sieged city. Perhaps the one who snuck into the city opening the gates is not killing any residents of the city with their own bare hands, however, they are weakening the city’s defense, leaving them helpless to the onslaught of their enemies. Female Pastors will do the same. Female Pastors will only lead a church into apostasy.

God is Wisdom. It is one of His many glorious attributes. His wisdom is higher than ours. He knows how to run his church. We are to obey His word rather than conform to the whims of culture.

We must uphold and defend the truth of the gospel (Jude 1:3).

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