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Unfortunately, Sarah Young Did Not Really Hear Jesus Calling

Unfortunately, Sarah Young Did Not Really Hear Jesus Calling

Sarah Young, the author of the blockbuster devotional "Jesus Calling," met the real Jesus after a long battle with cancer. Before her passing, Young had spent years publishing what she claimed were direct dialogues with Jesus Christ. Using a first-person voice, she...

Abortion: A Moral Quagmire Rooted in Rebellion Against the Creator

Abortion: A Moral Quagmire Rooted in Rebellion Against the Creator

In recent years, a surge of academic inquiries has sought to dissect the contentious issue of abortion from various angles: moral, legal, scientific, and sociological. This has led to a broad range of opinions, some claiming the practice to be a woman's right, while...

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

Explaining the Lure of Atheism in the 21st Century

“Atheism” is no longer an alien, rarely heard-of term. It is, in fact, a phenomenon that continues to grow at exponential rates in the 21st century. And when such a state of irreligiousness and disbelief engulfs the world while a great number of major and minor...

Max Lucado Waters Down Sin, Presents Sin as Merely a “Shortcut”

Max Lucado Waters Down Sin, Presents Sin as Merely a “Shortcut”

Max Lucado, a prominent Christian author, recently discussed the concept of sin in a way that, while aiming for accessibility, inadvertently waters down the gravity of what sin truly is. Lucado describes sin as an "unwillingness to wait, to trust, to follow God's...

Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part IV: Jesus Was Tolerant

Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus – Part IV: Jesus Was Tolerant

In Part IV of our series on Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus, we tackle the dishonest notion that Jesus was the epitome of modern-day "tolerance." The proponents of this myth willfully ignore the full scope of Christ's teachings to cherry-pick instances that serve...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIII: Christian-Cloaked Occultism

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XI: Seeker Sensitivity

Continuing our series on the pantheon of modern church snares, the phenomenon known as the "Seeker Sensitive Movement" merits particular attention. Born out of a desire for rapid church growth in the late 20th century, this unbiblical methodology puts the focus...

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Heresy of the Day #19: Macedonianism / Pneumatomachianism

Heresy of the Day #19: Macedonianism / Pneumatomachianism

Macedonianism, also known as the Pneumatomachian heresy, is a pernicious belief system that emerged in the early 4th century and was propagated by the heretical Greek bishop Macedonius. This insidious heresy denies the personhood of the Holy Spirit and diminishes the...

Heresy of the Day #18: Christian Science

Heresy of the Day #18: Christian Science

The Christian Science cult, founded by the deceptive Mary Baker Eddy in the late 19th century, is a pernicious and dangerous religious movement that promotes the unsubstantiated belief that spiritual healing techniques can cure all physical illnesses and suffering....

False Teacher of the Day #55: David Hughes, Church by the Glades

False Teacher of the Day #55: David Hughes, Church by the Glades

Pastor David Hughes of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL is little more than a stand-up comedian, running a so-called "church" that does nothing more than tickle the ears of lost people. In one Instagram post, Hughes stated "If there’s one thing we can...

Remembering Pope Benedict, the Antichrist

Remembering Pope Benedict, the Antichrist

The Protestant Reformation split the Western Christian Church into Protestant and Roman Catholic branches in the 16th century. It was driven by a desire for religious reform, objections to the pope's power and role, and the sale of indulgences, which allowed people to...

False Teacher of the Day #54: Tim Mackie, The Bible Project

False Teacher of the Day #54: Tim Mackie, The Bible Project

It is pertinent that we continue to warn Christians about the dangerous teachings of Tim Mackie, co-founder of the widely popular The Bible Project series on YouTube. In our previous article, we exposed Mackie's denial of the biblical doctrine of Hell as a place of...

Op-Ed: No, Witchcraft and Christianity are NOT Compatible

Op-Ed: No, Witchcraft and Christianity are NOT Compatible

Do not be fooled, and do not let the scripture-twisting serpentine tongues of those who push the lie that Christianity and witchcraft can be syncretized together fool you.  Witchcraft is a sin, as we will show, and along with all sin, will send you straight to hell, and true faith in Christ for your salvation is the only solution.  It is not Biblical to add witchcraft to Christianity or to add Christ to witchcraft and call yourself a Christian. It doesn’t work that way. 

The Dark World of Modern Christian Music

The Dark World of Modern Christian Music

I've repeatedly argued here at this blog that the influx of contemporary Christian music in our churches is leading the church on a dangerous path to apostasy. Celebrity Christian pop artists frequently prioritize their own fame and success over bringing glory to God...

The Doctrine of Regeneration and Why it is Important

The Doctrine of Regeneration and Why it is Important

The doctrine of regeneration is the belief that, in order for a person to be saved and have eternal life in Heaven, they must be born again spiritually by the Holy Spirit. This belief is taught in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament, with unmistakable force...


Police Chief Defends the Arrest of Street Preacher at Pride Rally in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Man Arrested for Quoting Bible at Gay Pride Event

In an egregious spectacle that could only be described as a brutal assault on religious liberty, Damon Atkins, a Christian preacher, was publicly shackled and hauled off for exercising his constitutional right to free speech in the town of Reading, PA. In this...


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The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

The world today is flooded with distorted depictions and representations of Jesus Christ. In a quest for relevancy and appeal, modern culture, and even most modern churches, have twisted the figure of Jesus into something more palatable, more in line with human...

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIII: Christian-Cloaked Occultism

Snares of the Modern Church – Part IX: Superficial Unity

In the fascinating journey through the snares that entangle the modern church, the lure of "Cultural Appeasement" in Part VIII highlighted the ways in which church leaders and congregations can be ensnared by the desire to satisfy worldly desires. Now, we turn our...

5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered

5 Ways to Tell if Your Church’s Worship Music is Man-Centered

In the modern age, it's not uncommon to find churches falling into a pattern of cheesy, shallow worship music. The superficiality of these songs often reveals much about the theology in the church itself. When a church preaches and a congregation subscribes to shallow...

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